2020/10/10〜 Online SessionFresh Eyes 3days

Day 1 10/10(sat)
Day 2 10/15(thu)
Day 3 10/24(sat)
*1day :4,000円 *2days :8,000円 *3days :11,000円
Sign up here こちらからお申し込み下さい>> 瞑想の画家シドがリードする3回コース
– アートメイキングを通して、自分自身に問いかける –
今回のオンラインセッションのテーマは「Fresh Eye・新鮮な目」です。 普段絵を描かない方でも一回絵を書いてみると、美術館やギャラリーで見るえが変わったりもします。 それだけではなく、毎日見ている情景が違って見えたり 自分の考え方のパターンをもう一度見直すことができたり、見え方、見方に変化が訪れるのではないでしょうか?
いつもの「創作活動」に少しスパイスを加えるようなレッスンです。 シドのアートエクセサイズのリードで、いくつかの絵を描きます。 新しい技術を学ぶこともできるかもしれませんし、すでに知っていることを新しい視点で見れるかもしれませんし、スパイスをちょっと加えただけで今すでにあるものが色鮮やかに、味わい深く感じられるようになるでしょう。
どんな創造的な時間が生まれるか今からとても楽しみです。 興味が湧いた方ぜひ!みなさまのご参加を心からお待ちしております。
One of the many joys of art, whether art-making or art appreciation, is the change in perspective.
The theme of this online session is “Fresh Eyes”. Even if you don’t usually paint, if you only tried to draw once, the way you look at art in a museum or gallery can change.
You may also see something that you see every day in a fresh way, and your overall perspective may change. This way you can begin again to enjoy the constant changes in life.
This lesson is designed to add a little spice/juice to your usual “creative process”. We will be doing some painting with Sidd’s Art Exercises as our lead. You may learn some new techniques, you may see what you already know in a new light, and a little spice-up will make what you already have feel more colorful and flavorful. Once you’ve picked up the exercises, I encourage you to keep trying them yourself. If questions arise as a result of your attempts, please ask them the following week.
Various techniques were shared in the last online session, and while it’s important to be able to use them, what textures, colors, and shapes are most attractive for you to use to express yourself? And it becomes an opportunity to keep asking questions. We have planned these three sessions with the hope that you will create a beautiful non-verbal connection, even in this online session. Even if you don’t usually paint, you are welcome to join us. We will guide you in how to use art materials and how to start painting. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of creative time we can have. If this sounds interesting to you, please come and join us! We look forward to seeing you at this event.
Tomoe Sanada