On behalf of CREATIVE VISION FOR LIFE and our 3 adjudicators
– the three muses – we thank you all for participating in this ‘far out’ project.
I feel sure we can all agree on the extraordinary images that NASA is now revealing with the new 'Webb' telescope.
Blowing the mind I think! with the sheer beauty as well as the time/space revelations they are posing.
Our sense of 'reality' is constantly being adjusted in so many ways and this
macro view is the perfect reminder, that we are profoundly fortunate to be conscious enough to have this glimpse of the splendour of existence.
CREATIVE VISION FOR LIFEと3人の審査員を代表して、このプロジェクトに参加してくださった皆様に感謝いたします。
- この「はるか彼方に思いを馳せる」のプロジェクトにご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。
Welcome to our first themed online exhibition
The participating artists appear in no particular order
Each artists is showing their artwork along with NASA images that have inspired their contributions
The three prize winners will be contacted directly
"What is it to be human?"
"The creative process offers us many ways to journey in our life travelling in as well as out. It suggests all manner of dimension and perception – light or intense, micro or macro."
"Deep Space is only another marker for the immeasurable, yet its vastness whispers to that 'in-finity' in our own depth."